Our Thread-Makers

Handcrafting Possibilities

Our wool thread is entirely handmade by using ancient traditions in the highlands of Ethiopia. These villages are rural and very poor. Spinning is often a side income, making it possible to raise artisans and their families above extreme poverty. 

New Perspectives For The Disabeld

Thread-spinning is excellent from a disability perspective as it can be accomplished with many injuries. Besides, a spinner can make thread from a domicile, and it does not require moving in inaccessible environments. Simultaneously, a disabled mother can combine working and watching over children while spinning. One spinner spins about 0.5 kilograms of wool yarn a day.

Sera Weavers

Enabling Income

Having a disability is strongly stigmatized in Ethiopia, often persons with disabilities hide in their homes and are excluded from their communities. We went door to door in the villages to find these persons. By 2021 we have found 300 people and now we are teaching them how to card and spin the wool thread for our rugs. Our aim is that they become active members of their communities and understand their rights.

Meet Our Thread-Makers

SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers
SERA HELSINKI Our Thread Makers